Emerging Artists Mentorship Program

Call for Proposals 

Submission Deadline October 1, 2024

The Wisconsin Dance Council is pleased to announce its 2024 pilot project to support Wisconsin’s emerging dance artists.  Sponsored by a Wisconsin Arts Board Creative Community Grant, WDC is calling for dance artists of all genres to submit proposals for one subsidized choreographic cycle.  In this pilot year, this project is designed to support three (3) emerging artists who are beyond access to institutional structures that support their creative work and within the first five (5) years of their professional career. 

Emerging Artist Mentorship Program Flyer
This project will offer the following:
  • Mentorship for the duration of the creative process (three meetings in person or virtually, depending upon the artists’ location).
  • One month of free rehearsal space (8 hours/week) during the months of December 2024 and January 2025.
  • A stipend of $1,000
  • The opportunity to present the resulting work at a Southeastern Wisconsin area venue in late February 2025.
  • The opportunity to engage in dialogue around both the dance making process and the resulting work with audience members.
  • Access to a quality video recording of the resulting work.
  • The chance to pilot this project with the WDC and provide culminating knowledge, experience, and critical feedback for future project cycles.

Choreographic Guidelines

  • Proposed work must be original choreography
  • Solo or group works will be considered
  • Only one submission per artist will be accepted
  • The proposed work must be choreographed by the submitting artist
  • Works should not exceed 15 minutes in length
  • “Dance on Film” proposals are not eligible

Proposal Guidelines

To be considered for this program, applicants must complete the Emerging Artist Mentorship Program Online Application by October 1, 2024 11:59pm.  

The online application requests the following information:  Applicant contact information; Work experience, including a 150 word bio, video samples of the applicant’s choreographic work; Information about the proposed project, including goals and production components; Project Impact, including the rationale for the proposed project, career impact, and the role of mentorship and/or community discourse.  

Written or Video Log Submission Format

Within the online application, applicants may choose to submit the requested information in writing, or they may choose to submit the requested information with password protected video log links.  The online application will include Video Log submission prompts.

Proposal Evaluation and Deliberation
  1. Proposed works will be adjudicated by professional artist(s)
  2. Proposals will be evaluated using the following Evaluation Rubric
  3. Adjudicators will limit their feedback on the materials submitted 

Due to artistic copyrights issues, none of the selected works will be shared in any of the WDC Social Media platforms unless the music is original or public domain

Project Timeline

August 2024
  • Call for Submissions
Fall 2024
  • October 1, 2024 Proposal Submission to the WDC
  • November 1, 2024 – Announcement of Selected Artists and Mentors
  • December 2024 – First meeting with WDC, artists (3) and mentors (2) for scheduling, project scope and goals
January 2025
  • Debut of the creative process with (8) hours rehearsal/week for one month
  • Photo shoot with (4) emerging artists
  • Rehearsal Intensive with Showings #1 for mentors
February 2025
  • Rehearsals continue with Final Showing #2 for mentors
  • Public Showing with artist discussion, audience participation, audience surveys
March 2025
  • Project closure interviews with emerging artists and mentors
  • Video of the public performance shared with the (4) emerging artists

Emerging Artists Mentorship Program

Call for Proposals 

Submission Deadline October 1, 2024

The Wisconsin Dance Council is pleased to announce its 2024 pilot project to support Wisconsin’s emerging dance artists.  Sponsored by a Wisconsin Arts Board Creative Community Grant, WDC is calling for dance artists of all genres to submit proposals for one subsidized choreographic cycle.  In this pilot year, this project is designed to support three (3) emerging artists who are beyond access to institutional structures that support their creative work and within the first five (5) years of their professional career. 

Emerging Artist Mentorship Program Flyer
This project will offer the following:
  • Mentorship for the duration of the creative process (three meetings in person or virtually, depending upon the artists’ location).
  • One month of free rehearsal space (8 hours/week) during the months of December 2024 and January 2025.
  • A stipend of $1,000
  • The opportunity to present the resulting work at a Southeastern Wisconsin area venue in late February 2025.
  • The opportunity to engage in dialogue around both the dance making process and the resulting work with audience members.
  • Access to a quality video recording of the resulting work.
  • The chance to pilot this project with the WDC and provide culminating knowledge, experience, and critical feedback for future project cycles.

Choreographic Guidelines

  • Proposed work must be original choreography
  • Solo or group works will be considered
  • Only one submission per artist will be accepted
  • The proposed work must be choreographed by the submitting artist
  • Works should not exceed 15 minutes in length
  • “Dance on Film” proposals are not eligible

Proposal Guidelines

To be considered for this program, applicants must complete the Emerging Artist Mentorship Program Online Application by October 1, 2024 11:59pm.  

The online application requests the following information:  Applicant contact information; Work experience, including a 150 word bio, video samples of the applicant’s choreographic work; Information about the proposed project, including goals and production components; Project Impact, including the rationale for the proposed project, career impact, and the role of mentorship and/or community discourse.  

Written or Video Log Submission Format

Within the online application, applicants may choose to submit the requested information in writing, or they may choose to submit the requested information with password protected video log links.  The online application will include Video Log submission prompts.

Proposal Evaluation and Deliberation
  1. Proposed works will be adjudicated by professional artist(s)
  2. Proposals will be evaluated using the following Evaluation Rubric
  3. Adjudicators will limit their feedback on the materials submitted 

Due to artistic copyrights issues, none of the selected works will be shared in any of the WDC Social Media platforms unless the music is original or public domain

Project Timeline

August 2024
  • Call for Submissions
Fall 2024
  • October 1, 2024 Proposal Submission to the WDC
  • November 1, 2024 – Announcement of Selected Artists and Mentors
  • December 2024 – First meeting with WDC, artists (3) and mentors (2) for scheduling, project scope and goals
January 2025
  • Debut of the creative process with (8) hours rehearsal/week for one month
  • Photo shoot with (4) emerging artists
  • Rehearsal Intensive with Showings #1 for mentors
February 2025
  • Rehearsals continue with Final Showing #2 for mentors
  • Public Showing with artist discussion, audience participation, audience surveys
March 2025
  • Project closure interviews with emerging artists and mentors
  • Video of the public performance shared with the (4) emerging artists

Emerging Artists Mentorship Program

Call for Proposals 

Submission Deadline October 1, 2024

The Wisconsin Dance Council is pleased to announce its 2024 pilot project to support Wisconsin’s emerging dance artists.  Sponsored by a Wisconsin Arts Board Creative Community Grant, WDC is calling for dance artists of all genres to submit proposals for one subsidized choreographic cycle.  In this pilot year, this project is designed to support three (3) emerging artists who are beyond access to institutional structures that support their creative work and within the first five (5) years of their professional career. 

Emerging Artist Mentorship Program Flyer
This project will offer the following:
  • Mentorship for the duration of the creative process (three meetings in person or virtually, depending upon the artists’ location).
  • One month of free rehearsal space (8 hours/week) during the months of December 2024 and January 2025.
  • A stipend of $1,000
  • The opportunity to present the resulting work at a Southeastern Wisconsin area venue in late February 2025.
  • The opportunity to engage in dialogue around both the dance making process and the resulting work with audience members.
  • Access to a quality video recording of the resulting work.
  • The chance to pilot this project with the WDC and provide culminating knowledge, experience, and critical feedback for future project cycles.

Choreographic Guidelines

  • Proposed work must be original choreography
  • Solo or group works will be considered
  • Only one submission per artist will be accepted
  • The proposed work must be choreographed by the submitting artist
  • Works should not exceed 15 minutes in length
  • “Dance on Film” proposals are not eligible

Proposal Guidelines

To be considered for this program, applicants must complete the Emerging Artist Mentorship Program Online Application by October 1, 2024 11:59pm.  

The online application requests the following information:  Applicant contact information; Work experience, including a 150 word bio, video samples of the applicant’s choreographic work; Information about the proposed project, including goals and production components; Project Impact, including the rationale for the proposed project, career impact, and the role of mentorship and/or community discourse.  

Written or Video Log Submission Format

Within the online application, applicants may choose to submit the requested information in writing, or they may choose to submit the requested information with password protected video log links.  The online application will include Video Log submission prompts.

Proposal Evaluation and Deliberation
  1. Proposed works will be adjudicated by professional artist(s)
  2. Proposals will be evaluated using the following Evaluation Rubric
  3. Adjudicators will limit their feedback on the materials submitted 

Due to artistic copyrights issues, none of the selected works will be shared in any of the WDC Social Media platforms unless the music is original or public domain

Project Timeline

August 2024
  • Call for Submissions
Fall 2024
  • October 1, 2024 Proposal Submission to the WDC
  • November 1, 2024 – Announcement of Selected Artists and Mentors
  • December 2024 – First meeting with WDC, artists (3) and mentors (2) for scheduling, project scope and goals
January 2025
  • Debut of the creative process with (8) hours rehearsal/week for one month
  • Photo shoot with (4) emerging artists
  • Rehearsal Intensive with Showings #1 for mentors
February 2025
  • Rehearsals continue with Final Showing #2 for mentors
  • Public Showing with artist discussion, audience participation, audience surveys
March 2025
  • Project closure interviews with emerging artists and mentors
  • Video of the public performance shared with the (4) emerging artists
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